Successful Samhain
Samhain has officially passed, and I feel good about how it turned out. Granted, when it started, there was snow on the ground. And it...
Bookaversary Giveaways
This Samhain/Halloween, Ivy will be celebrating its second bookaversary! To celebrate, I am hosting three separate giveaways over on...
Hawthorn Cover Reveal
Blessed Friday the 13th everyone! May your days be truly wicked. In this case, I can definitely say that mine will be, and you all know...
Off To Formatting
Well, it's finally happened. Hawthorn is officially off to formatting. With a few last-minute additions such as acknowledgments and...
Stranded In Canada
Okay, first of all, I'm just going to toot my own horn: I take some damn good pictures. Maybe not all the time; there could be several...
Going On Vacation
Well, this is going to be pretty short and sweet, since it's basically just an announcement. I'm going on vacation to Canada for a while...
Oops, I Did It Again
So I have mentioned this before on my FB page that I write almost exclusively with the help of Scrivener and Google Docs. I can no longer...
Dreaming of My World
Okay, story time: About two nights ago, I was having this really elaborate dream. I was traveling between continents, coming up against...
Oleander Bookaversary Giveaway
I can't believe it's been a year already. On June 30, 2016, I released Book Two of my Prideful Magick Collection. Today, Oleander turns 1...
Waiting On The Rain
*Sigh* It just won't STOP! The day starts off bright, glorious, and warm, but by the mid-to-late afternoon, we have more water falling...