It's Been A While
Well, it's been over a year since I last posted on this. To be honest, too much has happened. So if you're ready for a full update,...

Near-Fails & Weird Victories
So, it's December now. The month of Sims, shopping, Secret Santa, and regaining some sanity. Fortunately, all of my Christmas shopping is...

The Ori Diaries: Pt. 3
Ori is 8 months old. Wanna see what he looks like now? Ori's 8 month old portrait, August 19, 2022 A fair bit has happened since my last...

The Ori Diaries Pt. 2: Nothing Is Safe
Ori is too smart for his own good. Not that he isn't dumb sometimes (potty training issues, helllllooooo!), but at other times it's an...

The Ori Diaries Pt. 1
I feel like there's so much to say about this incredible new baby in my life that I don't know where to start. So I guess we'll start at...

Good Moms Hide The Bodies
In a previous post, I mentioned that I don't like to get too personal on my blog here. But if I don't, I won't have anything at all to...

It's A Thursday
Quick reference: Most people hate Mondays because they seem to be the predetermined day in which you have a BAD DAY. Hahaha. I bet your...