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GoodReads Official

Avens is on GoodReads! This means that you can go and add it to your to-read lists now! (Please????)

I swear the hardest part for me on any book (other than acknowledgements) is the back cover blurb. There were at least eight drafts of this thing in various locations before we got anything that seemed decent. Some were in my notes document; most were in my handwritten journal. But that final one? Facebook. I was typing up what I had so far for my beta readers to look over, tweaked it a little, and hit pay dirt.

(And I just tried making up a picture of it so you could see it better, but the program keeps closing out on me for reasons unknown. Alas, we shall have to do it the old fashioned way.)

Without further ado, here is the blurb for Avens:

I’d forgotten what it was to feel so alive.

Alexandria Ryder is home. After nearly four years away, she has found her way back to Cedar Creek and Nathan. Right away, she allows the euphoria of her return to obscure the reason for it. Until Lex is able to face the reality of her pregnancy, she is willing to lose herself in all that’s familiar.

The trouble is, Cedar Creek isn’t familiar anymore. When new witches bring new magick to her hometown, it awakens more than one old mystery. Given her new discoveries, Lex finds she needs Nathan now more than ever.

The past and present are intertwined when the worlds of Mary Sullivan and Alexandria Ryder collide.

Also, before I forget, I should mention that not all information regarding the book is not yet available on GoodReads. This is because we have not yet done a cover reveal or revealed the release date. The ISBN will also not be updated until edits are complete and the production side of things are underway. So it's going to be a busy next few months. In regards to the GoodReads creation, however, I have also updated the PMC page on the website and the home page to showcase that there is a new arrival to this book family of mine.

Okay, so that's all I have for now. Should get back to editing... Or finishing that "short story" I started... Either way, back to work for me! Enjoy!

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