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Out Of My Hands

Well, it is now official. The dedication is finished. The acknowledgements written. And the copyright filed. Now it's all off to the formatter.

It feels so surreal. I mean, it always does after I file for the copyright. Sure, sending it off for formatting and all that makes it feel like I've finally finished a book, but nothing seems as official as sending it to the government and going, "Look. See. This is mine. It's going to be a REAL book. Now I'm going to pay you to put it on record that it is mine. That way you can protect me."

So, that's my news. Now my wife takes over from here and turns it into a marvelous creature you can all one day hold.

On a less serious note, we always called her the father of my book children, but then I realized that isn't true. You see, I am the father. I formulate the ideas and produce the genetic code of the book, but once I give it to her, she's the one that has to form its little book body. Cover. Interior galley. Graphics. And binding. So you see, we've had it wrong this whole time. I'm the father that just gets to hand over the goods, and she's the mother that actually has to take it and make something of all my ideas.

I definitely got the easier job, I think.

Damn, guys. It's about to be a real book...

This really is the last book in Lex's story...

I don't know how to handle this right now.

Mostly I feel a little terrified because this is the first time everything's been going better on my end than usual. I'm a procrastinator. I never finish things this early.

This may be cause for panic. I'll get back to you on that...

Okay, now I'm just off in my own little world so it's time to wrap this up. More news and details will be forthcoming as soon as I have something worth reporting. And with that: I'm out!

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